In service to the tickling community since 2008

TMF Radio is alive and singing! Welcome to our new home on the net. You can find all of our shows, both live and archived, at, with links on our "archived" page. We recommend that you sign up for a BlogTalk account so that you can join us in the chat room there during the live shows; it's a lot of fun!
Listen here.

TMF Radio is holding a TMF Radio Logo contest! Sharpen your pencils, get out that ink, remember the brushes! We're looking for the most creative and fitting image possible to represent the new TMF Radio. We'll put all the entries up on their own page, and you (Yes, you reading this now) will get to vote on your favorite. The winning logo will go right up there ^ where it reads "TMF Radio Logo Goes Here." You really don't want to see those words forever, so send us something cool! If you're not an artist, tell your artist friends. Fame and everlasting glory not guaranteed, but we'll praise you here and on the TMF, and send some cool prizes to the winner!

TMF Radio is here to bring you up to date news on tickling, events, every day topics of interest to folks into tickling, news about new videos, new production companies, the most ticklish people you ever heard laugh and more. We're here for you, and we cant do it without you. Tune in and listen, as your participation makes this the best it can be.

If you love TMF Radio, and the way it directly reaches the people you want as your customers, email the host of the show you want to advertise on, and talk with us about sponsorships, web ads, giveaways, contests, other ways you can get DIRECTLY in front of your target audience, and rates. We'd love to support you as much as we'd love your support!

©2008 TMF Radio
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